Kunnskapsverket 1
Kunnskapsverket 1


Bestillingsverk med 100 treblåsere, CFsoundbokser, 4 kanalssystem via 9 høytalere, Kunnskapssenter og heis. Samt lyd og fotoinstallasjon.

KuNNSKaPSVeRKeT av Mathilde Grooss Viddal

Bestillingsverk for 100 treblåsere (fløyte, klarinett, saxofon, fagott), CFsoundbokser i 4 kanalssystem via 4×4 høyttalere + sub, Kunnskapssenter og heis. Samt lyd og fotoinstallasjon.

En gave fra treblåserne ved Bærum Kommunale Musikk og Kulturskole til det nye bygget Kunnskapssenteret i 4 satser.

Varighet: 16 min (4×4)

Støttet av:
Norsk Kulturråd, Kulturskolen i Bærum og NOTAM – Norsk senter for teknologi i musikk og kunst

The sounds and atmosphere from Sjøholmen that we have stored in our hearts (and on our hard drive) will be delivered and thrown out in the Kunnskapssenter.

- Mathilde Grooss Viddal

Children have an incredible imagination and fantasy that adults can only dream of, it has emerged the strangest and most beautiful sounds and instrument compositions such as squirrel clarinet, bird flutes, saxophone elephants and bassoon boats and much more.

In addition to the sounds, there are collections of images “seen from a different point of view”.

A commissioned work for the opening of the «Kunnskapssenteret» written by composer and saxophone/clarinet teacher Mathilde Grooss Viddal. With woodwinds, sound files, photos, elevator and the «Kunnskapssenteret» itself, we mark the transition from «Sjøholmen», where the old Music and Culture School has been for over 40 years to the new building Kunnskapssenteret (Knowledge center) in Sandvika.

All kinds of woodwind sounds and small compositions are recorded, as a gift and greeting from the woodwind students at the School of Music and Culture.

We want to bring the atmosphere from Sjøholmen and hand it over to Kunnskapssenteret, while at the same time creating something new and innovative - like the new building itself.

- Mathilde Grooss Viddal

In this way, the composer wants to bring the atmosphere from Sjøholmen and hand it over to the new building. A sound and photo-installation and a concert with focus on other rooms, shapes, sounds and textures than what is usually noticed around us. The work is based on the sounds that was made by the students and were recorded at «Sjøholmen» in 2013 and the atmosphere in the old wooden building. The soundfiles are processed at NOTAM by the composer, and replayed through 9 amplifiers over 4 floors in the new building «Kunnskapssenetert», along with woodwind students and teachers on bassoon, saxophone, clarinet and flute.